Don’t let that persistent neck pain keep you from enjoying life—let Kirkman Chiropractic help you
Neck Pain
at Kirkman Chiropractic in Orlando, Florida
What causes neck pain?
Neck pain can be triggered by ordinary daily activities that produce pressure or strain in the area. Sleeping with the wrong posture, working on the computer for long hours, bending your head to look at your phone, and being sedentary can produce different levels of neck pain. Additionally, auto accidents and sports injuries can also produce neck pain, which can severely limit your ability to live a happy, healthy lifestyle. Whiplash is a common type of neck pain, which can be sustained in an auto accident, riding a roller coaster, or in some kinds of high-impact sports like wrestling or martial arts.
How can I find relief from neck pain?
Most minor neck pain issues can be resolved quickly with targeted chiropractic treatments to address the affected area. If the neck pain results from an auto accident, it is important you make an appointment with Kirkman Chiropractic within 14 days of the accident to ensure you don’t lose your PIP benefits. Whatever the cause, prompt evaluation and treatment ensure the best results. Ignoring symptoms can lead to chronic problems that are more difficult to manage.

Appointments ALWAYS Available!
Whether you had a car accident or are experiencing neck and back pain, click the button to request an appointment and we will promptly respond, or call us at (407) 291-1000 to speak to a team member.
About Kirkman Chiropractic
Kirkman Chiropractic is a full-service chiropractic practice specializing in neck and back pain, as well as providing relief and recovery for patients who have suffered an injury during auto accidents and work-related incidents. Since 1986, Kirkman Chiropractic has been providing pain relief and a better quality of life for thousands of patients who trust our compassionate care and effective treatment.
Office Address
Operating Hours
Mon: 8:30 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm
Tue 10:30 – 1 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm
Wed: 8:30 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm
Thurs: Closed
Fri: 8:30 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm
Sat: 8:30 am – 11 am
Sun: Closed