Chiropractic care for auto accident injuries

Can Chiropractic Care for Auto Accident Injuries help me feel better?

Chiropractic care for auto accident injuries is proven to provide relief for pain in your neck, back, arms, and legs caused by a motor vehicle accident.

The impact of a crash generates shockwaves that travel through our bodies, causing varying levels of trauma. Sometimes, car accident victims complain of either strong or mild pain in their necks, limbs, or any area of their backs. Others don’t feel anything right away but may begin feeling some discomfort over a period of a few days or weeks, which makes them candidates for chiropractic care for auto accident injuries.

Kirkman Chiropractic encourages patients involved in car accidents to be evaluated as soon as possible, to ensure a minor problem does not progress into something more serious. Central Florida’s vast network of roads, mixed with year-round storms with rain, and the vast number of ever-present tourists, can be a formula for disaster on the road. For this reason, we offer specialized chiropractic care for auto accident injuries to address neck, back, and limb injuries resulting from the impact.

To understand why you may need chiropractic care for auto accident injuries, consider the following scenarios we commonly see at our Orlando chiropractic office:

  • Neck injuries caused by whiplash: These are complaints resulting from the jolting of your neck and head suddenly moving forward at the time of impact—then just quickly going backward and hitting the headrest. These types of injuries are often felt right away and require chiropractic care for auto accident injuries to address the pain from a whiplash injury.
  • Back pain management after injury: Many patients seek relief from the back pain they endure following a car accident, particularly those who want to avoid using drugs to manage their pain. Kirkman Chiropractic provides chiropractic care for auto accident injuries, focusing on restoring the well-being of patients involved in a crash.
  • Headaches caused by auto accidents: Any time a person is involved in a car crash, the sudden movement and impact are likely to cause headaches that could linger for weeks or months. To help you find relief from headaches or migraines from a car crash, consider getting chiropractic care for auto accident injuries and avoid having to take painkillers that only numb the pain without addressing the source of the problem.
  • Pain in arms and legs: When two vehicles collide, your body is hit by a shockwave that travels through your arms since they are holding on to a steering wheel, and also your leg since it may have been depressing the brake at the point of impact. With chiropractic care for auto accident injuries, we work on your muscles, joints, and nerves to address pain in contact areas such as your hands, arms, feet, and legs.

For over 30 years, Kirkman Chiropractic has been serving the Central Florida area with quality chiropractic care for auto accident injuries. Our compassionate approach to treating neck, back, and other pain caused by a car crash can make a huge difference in our patients’ lives, especially when they get chiropractic treatment immediately after an auto accident. This allows our staff to thoroughly evaluate your injuries, including performing in-house x-rays and determining the best treatment for you.

Contact Kirkman Chiropractic today at (407) 291-1000 and make an appointment to get an evaluation to determine the source of your back pain. You can only start getting better when you make the decision to seek chiropractic care for your back pain after an auto accident.